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US pastor runs anti-gay effort in Uganda 

BOSTON (AP) — An East African gay advocacy group filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday against a Massachusetts evangelist, alleging he has waged a decade-long campaign to persecute gays in Uganda.

The suit was filed in federal court in Springfield against minister Scott Lively under a statute that Sexual Ministries Uganda says allows non-citizens to file U.S. court actions for violations of international law.

Frank Mugisha, who heads the advocacy group, said it was singling out Lively for “helping spread propaganda and violence” against Uganda’s gay people.

“We hope that he will be held accountable for what he did in Uganda,” said Mugisha, who won the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award last year. “We want to send out a clear message to him and to others.”

Lively, of Abiding Truth Ministries, is one of a handful of American pastors whom Ugandan gay activists accuse of having helped draft the original version of the African nation’s anti-homosexuality bill.

The bill called for the death penalty for certain homosexual acts such as when gay people with AIDS were caught having sex. It has since been revamped to replace the death penalty with life imprisonment as a maximum sentence.

Lively said Wednesday the legal action was “absurd” and “completely frivolous.” He said in an email to The Associated Press that he has never advocated violence against homosexuals. He said he has preached against homosexuality but advised therapy for gays, not punishment.


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